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Information for your future

National Undergraduate Student Chiropractic Association

Who we are:

John Reuter

Pre-Chiropractic student at the

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

How We Work


If Monday is getting us down and we need a pick me up, we know we're not alone, so we remind ourselves of the big picture and post a motivational post on Instagram (@nusca_network). If we read an article online that we think is important or want to have a conversation about with other like minded folks, we post it on here and on Facebook (National Undergraduate Student Chiropractic Association.) When our UWEC Chiropractic club does something that really works for us, or doesn't, we put it under the "Clubs" tab up top! Here at NUSCA we believe in working together. We believe two minds are better than one and that the world only benefits from future chiropractors banding together. With that being said, we need to hear from you! Without your input, our mission cannot reach its full potentional. Email us! Find us on social media! Let's chat! We'd love to know what you're up to. 

Who We Are


With the support of many friends, chiropractors and some internet tutorials on how to create a website, NUSCA is primarily run by John (or Johnny) Reuter. John is a third year student at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He's known since he was 13 that when he grew up he wanted to help people, make their lives better and assist them in living to their fullest potential. He learned early on that meant being a doctor of chiropractic. Since John spends most his free time reading articles from the field, he got an idea to share that information with his fellow undergraduate students. Here at NUSCA we aren't docs (yet) and we don't have any affiliation with a specific chiropractic school (yet). We are undergraduate students pursuing careers in chiropractic healthcare ... just like you! We are by no means perfect, and we welcome your feedback, but we do have a vision. We want to unite undergraduate students, and provide them with a web platform that is useful, informative and effective. Take a look around! We hope you'll find that NUSCA is a one stop shop for information on how to run a pre-chiropractic club at your university, discovering what graduate school is best for you/what you will need to do to get in and what is happening in the field. If you like what you see, please share it with your friends! Also, like us on Facebook, follow us Instagram or shoot us an email! We want to connect with YOU! Welcome to NUSCA future docs. You are the world changers!

What We Believe


Not only do we belive that more of you need to get "DC2B" (Doctor of Chiropractic to be!) stickers like Johnny has for your car, laptop, window, water bottle, or whatever you prefer to stick stickers to, but we fundamentally believe in chiropractic care. We believe in holistic healthcare and we believe in living to our fullest potential! We believe Thomas Edison had it right when he said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” And more than anything else we believe we are those doctors of the future he was talking about. What don't we believe? In waiting for change. Rather, we believe in creating that change. NUSCA is here to connect with world changers and to inspire the future. We believe you're already in that group by finding your way to this site. Welcome! We are so glad you're here and we believe in you!

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