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How to become the best pre-chiropractic student you can

Why do we attend college? Why do we rely on an undergraduate education to get us where we want to go?

Sometimes pre-chiropractic education on top of undergraduate studies can feel like a balancing act. Which is why I am asking these two very important questions above going into my senior year of undergraduate studies. I have never wanted to be anything but a chiropractor since the young age of 13-years-old. Having come this far, I am not letting anything stop me from achieving this goal so why would you? Learn below, how to become the best pre-chiropractic student you can.

We all attend college for different reasons, some being the same. For some, your parents made you or wanted you to, for some it is to follow a dream, and for some it is the next step and big decision of their life to grow and achieve more for themselves and live up to their own standards that they have raised for themselves. We as a society truly rely on a college education to get us to the places we see ourselves in 5-10 years. For us pre-chiropractic students, we are all in college for the same reason, to better the future health of America and beyond. It is our goal to achieve the highest of standards before sending in that application to graduate school.

So how do we become well-educated students, and set ourselves up for the best chiropractic journey possible after undergraduate?

1. Use social media, and other great websites (NUSCA, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)


Realize that a lot of great docs will have a very heavy and powerful social media presence. You will be able to read all of their material, understand the content at a different level other than a textbook perfect peer reviewed article. Find great chiropractic websites (i.e. NUSCA/Resources We Like) that help you better yourself in the profession and educate yourself on the diverse issues and/or affirmations that arise within the chiropractic field.

YouTube is another wonderful site that docs are present on. This helps them to spread the message of chiropractic and the bettering of the health system that we are providing each day. You can catch great videos from seminars, to podcasts, to full live conferences that are covered.

2. Intern, and/or work for some docs

GET OUT THERE. Help your community by not only spreading the word of chiropractic, but participating in the movement as well. Go to as many local docs as you can, become known, and learn from the inside office experience. Interning/working for docs will help you gain knowledge of your philosophy that resonates with you, as well as learn what you would want to see and not see in your practice someday.

3. Research all day, everyday (Read books, magazines, articles online, watch videos etc.)

Understanding that the pre-chiropractic education in undergraduate studies is significantly lacking we tend to have to do a lot of the grunt work when it comes to research, education about chiropractic, as well as the all time changing elements of healthcare. So how do we stay on top of these things?

Very easily. You need to be constantly be doing your own research outside the classroom. Read books, magazines, articles online, and watch videos on chiropractic, health, and lifestyle. In order to understand what is going on in the articles or books, you must learn the chiropractic language… However, that comes with the readings, following all of your favorite docs on social media sites, watching chiropractic specific videos and interning/working within local practices.

Any other great ideas that a pre-chiropractic student should know of as they proceed on their chiropractic journey? Let us know!

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